Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Children First Foundation: Conjoined twins

Victorian Parliament Hansard

Title Children First Foundation: conjoined twins
Activity Members Statements
Date 25 November 2009
Page 5570

Mr KAVANAGH (Western Victoria) -- I pay tribute to members of the 16-member medical team at the Royal Children's Hospital who recently separated Bangladeshi conjoined twins, Trishna and Krishna, in a 32-hour operation.
I also congratulate my cousin Moira Kelly and my aunt, the senior Moira Kelly, who have been looking after Trishna and Krishna for two years, along with some helpers. For that entire period they have been giving them tender, loving care. I was in hospital in September and had the privilege of being visited by the junior Moira, together with Trishna and Krishna. On that occasion the twins were full of energy and love of life.
I express my thanks and admiration to the medical team, to both Moiras and to all those who helped the twins.
All Victorians have contributed, through their taxes at least, to the extraordinary medical skills that have added so much to the lives of these two little girls. All Victorians can therefore feel not only joyous but also proud of their contribution.

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