Sunday, November 12, 2006

Preferences Give DLP Best Chance in 50 Years

Preferences for Upper House seats were announced by the Victorian Electoral Commission at 3.48 pm today, 12 November.

The preference arrangements for Western Victoria are extraordinarily favourable to the DLP. We have the highest possible preferences from the Country Alliance and Family First and effectively, People Power. We also have high preferences from the ALP. I have only ever previously described my chances of winning as a "reasonable possibility". Under the new system of proportional representation, the preferences announced today really boosts the chances for a DLP win in Western Victoria very considerably. Now, we really do have a very strong chance of winning the seat.

I would like to sincerely thank all the other parties who have preferenced so generously to the DLP. If elected I will make myself available to listen to their concerns.

The DLP is fielding a full team of five candidates for Western Victoria. I am supported on the ticket by Clare Power of Creswick, David Power of Belmont and Michael and Leanne Casanova of Ballarat.

The DLP is fielding candidates in every Upper House seat in Victoria, so every voter will vote for or against the DLP at this election.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ballarat campaign launch

Three DLP generations... From left, Peter Kavanagh, lead DLP candidate for Western Victoria, and William Barry, son of DLP founders Bill and Mary Barry. At right is Maria Robinson, daughter of Andrew Robinson, DLP candidate for Northern Victoria.

Yes, it was a bit cold and windy... but DLP candidates from around Victoria, supporters, and their children, gathered together in the Ballarat shopping mall today for the Ballarat launch of the DLP campaing in Western Victoria.

Andrew Robinson. candidate for Northern Victoria

Paul Crea, candidate for Eastern Victoria

John Mulholland, DLP Secretary

Michael Casanova, candidate for the Upper House in Western Victoria

Peter Kavanagh, candidate for the Upper House in Western Victoria, and Bill Barry (right).

Friday, November 03, 2006

Survivors of "failed" abortion need legal protection:

Victorian law should explicitly mandate medical assistance for babies born alive after "failed" abortions.

Two cases have been reported in Australia of babies being left to die following abortion procedures, including one in the Northern Territory which was the subject of a public inquest (see Aborted Girl Lived 80 Minutes, Sunday Telegraph, 14 November 1999 and The Death of Jessica Jane, Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, 27 August 2004).

There is evidence that this happens much more frequently than it is reported. This is not so surprising, since there is no advocate for the fetus/baby in abortion procedures.

Surely babies born alive after undergoing abortion procedures are as entitled to respect and medical attention as anybody else. Members of the medical profession have a responsibility to such babies. Victorian law should make it explicit that physicians and nurses are legally obliged to do all they can to help a baby who is born alive, even after an "unsuccessful" abortion.

If I am elected to represent Western Victoria in the Upper House, I will work for legislation to mandate medical assistance for all babies born alive after 'unsuccessful' abortions. I think that many Victorians would be pleased to see both the ALP and the Liberal Party supporting this initiative.